Coastal Engineering

Ransom engineers and scientists help clients mitigate coastal vulnerability, increase resiliency, and prepare for climate change adaptation. We combine dynamic coastal flooding modeling, with the latest science on climate change and local sea level rise projections to help clients plan for the future. 

From the rocky tidal shores of Maine to the muddy Mississippi delta of Louisiana, Ransom has been assisting municipalities in obtaining accurate flood insurance rate maps.  Our coastal engineers maintain the up-to-date skills necessary to review modern Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood risk analyses, identify scientific and technical deficiencies in FEMA’s analysis and provide more accurate assessments through the FEMA appeal and map revision processes.

It is vital for our coastal communities to assess their vulnerability as a first step toward increasing their resilience to coastal storms and adapting to changing sea levels.  Ransom’s coastal team is equipped with the knowledge and modeling capabilities to help clients determine their most vulnerable areas and implement progressive measures to adapt to climate change.

Bathhouse Sewall Long Sands Beach York

Our Services

Coastal Engineering

Ransom’s Coastal Engineering services include:

  • Coastal processes assessment
  • Coastal engineering analysis and design
  • Coastal and estuarine circulation modeling
  • Spectral and phase-resolving wave modeling
  • Sediment transport modeling
  • Coupled circulation and wave modeling
  • Storm surge modeling and real-time forecasting
  • Coastal flooding risk assessment
  • Water quality and mixing zone analysis
  • Custom model development and programming
  • High performance computing