Ransom understands the complex and dynamic relationship between geological, hydrological and hydraulic forces. Our team of civil engineers, scientists, geologists and hydrogeologists design effective stormwater management plans to control, divert and treat stormwater to protect private property, preserve natural resources and ensure public safety.
Our wide-ranging clients include real estate/commercial developers, industrial parks and municipalities.
For cities and towns, we develop long-range strategic stormwater planning, such as stormwater collection systems, engineering steadfast plans to protect communities from even the strongest “500 Year Storm”. Our teams also evaluate combined sewer systems and provide innovative solutions for separating sewers and storm drain flow to prevent overboard discharges of effluent into protected natural resources.
Working together, Ransom’s team of scientists and engineers are able to develop and test multiple scenarios based on the existing site hydrology and past weather events. The team is then able to create different models to analyze the effects of increasing quantities of stormwater and design a system to support it.
Our Services
Ransom’s Stormwater services include:
- Local and state permitting
- Stormwater quantity and quality evaluations
- Long-range storm water planning
- Sustainable design