UST / AST Services
Underground storage tanks (USTs) and above ground storage tanks (ASTs) pose their own challenges for integrity testing, fuel leak assessments and associated remediation. Ransom’s skilled environmental experts have worked with an array of development, industrial and brownfield clients to support life-cycle UST/AST compliance work.
For UST compliance, our team can facilitate the detection and location of potential fuel leaks before they become significant. We can provide remediation planning to address corrosion and spill issues and the associated liability.
For ASTs, our inspections will focus on the containment condition and all of the container components. For both ASTs and USTs, our team will develop plans for remediation, repair or closure as well as guidance and reporting for regulatory compliance.

Our Services

Ransom’s UST/AST Services include:
- Permitting and compliance
- Geophysical surveys
- Integrity testing
- Storage tank closure
- Soil/groundwater investigation and remediation
- Site restoration
- Regulatory interaction and reporting