One of Ransom’s early clients was ElectroCraft Inc. (formerly known as Eastern Air Devices), a global provider of horsepower motor and motion products based in Dover, New Hampshire. After completing years of extensive site characterization and monitoring, the State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services required ElectroCraft to implement a cleanup. Therefore, ElectoCraft needed an immediate response to remediate an extensive chlorinated solvent contamination dilemma. Ransom designed an effective cleanup approach that was fast-tracked, protective, effective, and non-disruptive to its business.
To address high levels of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in soil and groundwater, Ransom implemented a complex enhanced soil vapor extraction (SVE) and electrical resistance heating (ERH) remedial strategy. Ransom implemented a strategy that included remediation of over 90% of contaminant mass within a 24-month duration.
Other key components of the Ransom strategy included protection of the nearby drinking water supply wells, wetlands, and facility occupants. Ransom effectively addressed client, municipal and regulator concerns with an effective and immediate communications program.
Services Provided:
- Compliance
- Due Diligence
- Remediation
- Site Characterization