Long Sands Beach Improvements: York Beach, ME
Ransom has worked closely with the town of York Maine on several projects including flood mitigation and new streetscape/sidewalk designs that have benefitted the town, local business owners and pedestrians.
The Long Sands Beach project includes improvements to the sidewalk system and integrated repair and improvement of the seawall, which suffered damage during storms in early 2018.
Sidewalk improvements include widening, up-grades to ADA access, pedestrian and street lighting, installation of pay stations to eliminate parking meters, and the installation of Wi-Fi along the entire beach.
Improvements to the seawall include strengthening of the footing and a modification of the seawall face from a smooth slope to a stepped design that improves beach access and reduces wave run-up and overtopping hazards to the roadway and adjacent properties. The improvements to the sidewalk and seawall are currently underway.
Ransom provided conceptual and final design as well as hydraulic analysis with HydroCAD.
Services Provided:
- Civil Engineering
- Coastal Engineering
- Construction Oversight
- Planning & Permitting
- Stormwater